CIVIL CASE NO. 123 OF 1999


JOE BLOGGS ………………………………………..........INTENDED PLAINTIFF




XYZ BANK LTD. ..................................................INTENDED SECOND DEFENDANT


UPON hearing counsel for the plaintiff ex-parte and upon reading the affidavit of ………., sworn on the ……….. day of ……….., 1999, [and the exhibits thereto,] and upon the plaintiff by his counsel undertaking:-

(1) To abide by any order this court may make as to damages, in case the court shall be hereafter of the opinion that the defendants should have sustained any by reason of this order which the plaintiff ought to pay.

(2) To indemnify any person [other than the defendants, their servants or agents] to whom notice of this order is given, against any costs, expenses, fees or liabilities reasonably incurred by them in seeking to comply with this order.

(3) To serve upon the defendants as soon as is practicably possible, the plaint and summons in this action, this order and the affidavit [together with the exhibits thereto] specified above.

(4) To notify the defendants as soon as practicably possible of the terms of this order.

(5) To notify and inform the defendants and any third parties upon whom notice of this order is served at the time of service of their right, if so advised, to apply on notice to this court for this order to be varied or discharged in so far as this order affects the said parties.

(6) To use any documents or information disclosed or obtained as a result of executing this order only for the purposes of this intended action and not to use such document or information for any other or collateral purpose whatsoever without first obtaining the leave of the Court.

And upon counsel for the plaintiff undertaking:-

(a)  That the person serving this order shall offer to the persons upon whom it is served an explanation in everyday language as to the meaning and effect of this order;

(b) That they or the said persons serving this order shall inform the defendants of his or their right to seek and obtain legal advice before complying with this order provided that such advice is sought and obtained forthwith;

(c)  That any document, goods and articles obtained as a result of executing this order shall be retained by them in their safe custody or control until further order and not to use such documents or information for any other or collateral purpose whatsoever except for the purposes of this action without first obtaining the leave of the Court;

(d) That any documents obtained as a result of this order in which the property or copyright is not vested in the plaintiff shall be copied as soon as practicable and returned to the defendants from whom they were taken; and

(e)  That an affidavit will be made and filed within seven (7) days of executing this order stating fully the facts and circumstances of what happened in the course of executing this order and exhibiting thereto a list of all the documents, goods and articles obtained as a result of executing this order.


1.    The defendants and each of them, whether by themselves or himself or by any person appearing to be in charge of the premises hereinafter specified do permit the person who shall serve this order upon them or any one of them, together with such persons not  being more than three (3) in number as may be duly authorised by the plaintiff to enter forthwith the premises, [the part or parts of the premises occupied and used by the defendants or any of them] situated at or known as ..... and any other premises [such parts or parts thereof occupied by the defendants or any of them] disclosed to the plaintiff or his advocates pursuant to the following provisions of this order or otherwise ascertained by the plaintiff as being premises occupied by the defendant or any of them, together with any out-house or garage or other building which forms part of the said premises and any motor vehicle owned or used by the defendants or any of them at any hour between 8 o’clock in the morning and 8 o’clock in the evening [on a weekday] for the purposes of searching for, inspecting, copying, photographing and removing therefrom into custody or control of the plaintiff’s advocates the following documents, goods and articles, namely:-
(i)           All or any of the documents relating in any way to acquiring or purchasing or supplying or offering to supply any infringing [illicit] goods and articles, and such goods and articles themselves.
2.    That each of the defendants whether by himself or by any person appearing to be in charge of the said premises or vehicles do permit the plaintiff’s advocates and their said representatives to carry out search, inspection, copying, photographing and removing, and on request to open for such purposes any cupboards, drawers, safes, containers, cases and vehicles on or upon the said premises.

3.    That the defendants and each of them do forthwith disclose to the persons who shall serve this order upon him or them the identity of all premises and their addresses in which any of the documents, goods or articles specified [described] in paragraph 1 hereof, are or have been stored [manufactured] [packed].

4.    That the defendants and each one of them do within 24 hours of the service of this order upon them or any of them deliver or cause to be delivered to the custody of the plaintiff’s advocates all documents (save in so far as not already taken into their custody) whose whereabouts they are required to disclose under paragraph 3 hereof, and within a further period of 24 hours they do swear an affidavit stating or confirming that all documents required to be disclosed and if not, their whereabouts or what has happened to the same and forthwith serve such affidavit upon the plaintiff’s advocates.

5.    [That the first and second defendants and the third defendants by their secretary [other proper officer] do within 4 days of the service of this order upon them answer by affidavit the interrogatories set forth in the Schedule to this order.]
(a)  That the defendants and each of them do disclose to the person who shall serve this order upon them the names and addresses of all persons, companies or firms responsible for supplying or offering to supply to them or to whom within their knowledge they have supplied or offered to supply any infringing [illicit] goods and articles, together with the dates and quantities of each supply or offer to supply and all documents relating to such supply or offer to supply and the names and addresses of all persons, firms and companies who are parties of or associated with the defendants in relation to such supply;
(b) That the defendants and each of them whether by themselves, their directors, officers, servants or agents or any of them or otherwise howsoever be restrained and injunctions hereby granted restraining them whether directly or indirectly from informing any person, company or firm of the existence of these proceedings or of the possession of this order or of the interest of the plaintiff in these proceedings or otherwise naming any person, company or firm that the proceedings may be brought against them by the plaintiff otherwise than for the purpose of seeking legal advice from professional lawyers. 

7.    That each of the defendants whether by himself or by any person appearing to be in charge of the said premises do afford to the persons enforcing this order all reasonable washing and toilet facilities available therein.

8.    That the defendants are to be at liberty to apply to this Court to discharge or vary the order upon giving one (1) days notice to the plaintiff’s advocates of their intention to do so.

9.    The costs of this application be reserved.

          Given under my hand and the seal of the court this ………….. day of ………………………., 1999.


{as per par 5 of this order, set out the interrogatories in numbered paragraphs}

CIVIL CASE NO. 123 OF 1999


JOE BLOGGS ………………………………………..........INTENDED PLAINTIFF




XYZ LTD. ..............................................................INTENDED SECOND DEFENDANT


 I, RIGHTEOUS ROB, an Advocate of The High Court of Kenya, and practising under the firm of Solvit & Fixit Advocates of Trust Building, Moi Avenue, P.O. Box 1234, Nairobi, do hereby make oath and state as follows: -

1.    THAT I have conduct of this suit on behalf of the intended plaintiff herein and therefore competent to swear this affidavit.

2.    THAT the plaintiff has a strong prima facie case against the defendants and is likely to succeed in the action.

3.    THAT the plaintiff has suffered or will suffer actual or potential loss and damage which will be very serious for him and that he and his business has been or will be put in great jeopardy and suffer serious prejudice which cannot be compensated for by damages.

4.    THAT there are grounds for believing {spell out} that the defendants have in their possession, custody, power or control documents, goods and articles which afford important or strong evidence that the defendants have infringed or are likely to infringe the plaintiff’s rights, specifying the same or that the defendants have been or it is apprehended that they will be passing of the plaintiff’s goods or that the defendants have wrongfully or dishonestly received or obtained funds belonging to the plaintiff {specifying the same}which the plaintiff seeks to trace and follow into other assets or property or that the defendant has committed or is likely to commit any other wrongful act or conduct {specify} which has caused or is likely to cause serious or irreparable loss and damage to the plaintiff; and

5.    THAT there are grounds for believing, {fully spell out} that the defendant might destroy, deface, obliterate or part with the possession or control of any such documents, goods or articles or otherwise render them useless to the plaintiff or put them out of his reach unless the Anton Piller order is granted and enforced without the defendant having advance knowledge of the application or the order made.

6.    THAT the facts herein deposed to are within my own knowledge and I am duly authorised by the plaintiff to make this affidavit.

SWORN by the said RIGHTEOUS ROB              }
at Nairobi this ………. day of ……………..…….,    }   ………..………………………
1999.                                                           }                 DEPONENT
BEFORE ME                                                   }
COMMISSIONER FOR OATHS                           }

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