The notes below are adapted from the Kenyatta University Teaching module and the students are adviced to take keen notice of the various legal and judicial reforms that might have been ocassioned since the module was adapted. the laws and statutes might also have changed or been repealed and the students are to be wary and consult the various statutes reffered to herein


Keyword Syllabus
The following topics will be studied:
1. Definition of a crime
2. theories on causation of crime
3. historical origins of criminal law
4. the fundamental principles of criminal law
5. the elements of crime – the mens rea and actus rea
6. general principles of criminal liability
7. theories and categories of punishment
8. sentencing
9. the death penalty
10. aims of imprisonment
11. non-custodial measures
12. law enforcement agencies – the Police Force (origins, functions); the prisons;
comparative penal systems




1-Short title.
3-General rule of construction of Code.
5-Jurisdiction of local courts.
6-Offences committed partly within and partly beyond jurisdiction.
7-Ignorance of law.
8-Bona fide claim of right.
9-Intention and motive.
10-Mistake of fact.
11-Presumption of sanity.
14-Immature age.
15-Judicial officers.
17-Defence of person or property.
18—Use of force in effecting arrest.
19-Compulsion by husband.
20-Principal offenders.
21-Joint offenders in prosecution of common purpose.
22-Counselling another to commit offence.
23-Offences by corporations, societies, etc.
Section chapter VI—punishments
24-Different kinds of punishments.
25-Sentence of death.
26A-Recommendation for removal from Kenya.
27-Corporal punishment.
30-Suspension or forfeiture of right to carry on business.
33-Security for keeping the peace.
35-Absolute and conditional discharge.
36-General punishment for misdemeanours.
37-Sentences when cumulative.
38-Sentence on escaped convict.
39-Cancellation or suspension of certificate of competency.

CRIMINAL LAW- Brief Overview

Under African customary law, there is no clear division between criminal law and civil
law. The question of punishing the offender and compensating his victim were matters
which were provided for under customary law. However the civil claims under customary
law which can be made in the Magistrates court are stipulated in the Magistrates’ Courts
Act (Cap 10) the limited jurisdiction of the High Court in matters affecting customary
law has also been observed. Crimes under customary law can not be prosecuted in the
courts. The criminal law of Kenya is now principally found in the Penal Code (Cap. 63).
There is a clear division between criminal law and civil law in the statute and common
law of Kenya.
The influence of the English law on criminal law of Kenya is illustrated by the
terms of section 3 of Penal Code, which provides that,
“This code shall be interpreted in accordance with the principles of legal
interpretation obtaining in England, and expressions used in it shall be presumed
so far as is consistent with their context and except as may be otherwise expressly
provided, to be used with the meaning attached to them in English criminal law
and shall be construed in accordance therewith.”
However, there is a growing wealth of East African case law on the criminal law of
Kenya (the criminal law codes of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania cases and only to English
and other commonwealth judicial decisions for guidance where there is no binding or
relevant east African case.


A crime is an unlawful act or omission which is an offence against the State, although it
may also be an offence against an individual and thus give rise to civil liability as well.
A crime is punished usually by a fine or a term of imprisonment, although there
are other ways of dealing with an offender, which will be explained later in this chapter.
The prosecution is usually commenced in the name of the Republic so that a
prosecution will be described thus-Republic v. Kamau or R. v. Kamau. A private
individual can, with permission, also institute a prosecution, but the power of the
Attorney-General to discontinue any criminal proceedings has been observed (Criminal
Procedure Code, section 82).
That the same facts can give rise to criminal and civil proceedings has also been
observed. When this occurs the crime will usually be prosecuted first.


Kenya has inherited from English law the distinction between felonies and
misdemeanours. A felony is defined in the Penal Code as "an offence which is declared
by law to be a felony or, if not declared to be a misdemeanour, is punishable, without
proof of previous conviction, with death, or with imprisonment for three years or more" .
A misdemeanour is defined in the Penal Code as "any offence which is not a felony".
Whenever the term "offence" is used in this chapter it will include both felonies and
Examples of felonies in the Penal Code are abduction (section 142), bigamy
(section 171), manslaughter (section 202), murder (section 203) and handling stolen
goods (section 322). The punishment in all these cases is stipulated by the appropriate
section of the Penal Code, e.g. any person convicted of manslaughter is liable to
imprisonment for life.
Where terms of imprisonment are prescribed, the maximum only is usually stated,
which leaves the court with a discretion. However, in some cases a minimum sentence of
imprisonment may be stipulated, e.g. when a person is found guilty of handling stolen
goods he is liable to imprisonment with hard labour for a term of not less than seven or
more than fourteen years (Penal Code section 322(2)).
The punishment for misdemeanours is not always stipulated in the section
defining the misdemeanour. Section 36 of the Penal Code provides, " ... when in this
Code no punishment is specially provided for any misdemeanour, it shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or with a fine, or with both".
Examples of misdemeanours in the Penal Code are perjury (section 108), criminal
libel (section 194) and false pretences (section 312).
It is not accurate to describe felonies as the most serious offences and
misdemeanours as the less serious offences. Many years ago in England, all felonies
generally carried the death penalty, but a reaction against this grew up and the tendency
was to classify new crimes as misdemeanours, no matter how serious they were. Thus,
while perjury has always been a misdemeanour, to steal a loaf of bread from a shop is a

General Principles of Criminal Liability

The cardinal maxim of the criminal law is, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which
means "the doing of an act does not make a man guilty unless he has a guilty mind". The
two essential elements of any crime are actus reus (the prohibited act) and mens rea (the
The term actus reus presents no problem. The definition of every crime in the
Penal Code recites the prohibited act and the prosecution must prove that the accused has
committed the prohibited act; the facts which hay been proved must fit the offence with
which the accused is charged.
The element of mens rea presents greater problems. How does the prosecution
prove that a man has a guilty mind? To prove mens rea the prosecution must show that
the act or omission must have been done voluntarily and secondly, that there must have
been some foresight of the consequences. There may have been intention to do the act, or
recklessness on the part of the accused, so that he could foresee the consequences of his
act or did not care whether those consequences were brought about or not. No act is
punishable if it is done involuntarily. An involuntary act would be one committed by a
person while he was sleep-walking or was suffering from concussion, or insanity. This is
confirmed by section 9(1) of the Penal Code which provides that,
" ... a person is not criminally responsible for an act or omission which occurs
independently of the exercise of his will, or for an event which occurs by
The requirement of mens rea may be stipulated in the offence in the Penal Code. For
example, murder is defined in section 203 as,
"any person who of malice aforethought causes the death of another person by an
unlawful act or omission is guilty of murder."
The mens rea is "malice aforethought". But, even with offences where mens rea is not
stipulated, it will be implied in the offences under the Penal Code. But, there are offences
where liability is strict. In other words, mens rea does not have to be proved. The
following extract from the judgment of Wright, J. in Sherras v. De Rutzen, (1895) 1 Q.B.

918, was with approval by Biron, J. in Hamed Abdallah v. Republic, (1964) E.A. 270:
"There is a presumption that mens rea, an evil intention, or a knowledge of the
wrongfulness of the act, is an essential ingredient in every offence; but that
presumption is liable to be displaced either by the words of the statute creating the
offence or by the subject matter with which it deals, and both must be considered
... "
As can be seen, everything depends upon the wording of the statute. Examples of
absolute (strict) liability are offences under the Food, Drug: and Chemical Substances Act
(Cap. 254), the Weights and Measures Act (Cap. 513) and licensing offences under the
Traffic Act (Cap. 403).

Qualifications to Criminal Responsibility

There are certain exceptions and qualifications to criminal responsibility.
A person under the age of eight years is not criminally responsible for any act or
omission (Penal Code, section 14(1)). This is an irrebuttable presumption of law.
A person under the age of twelve years is not criminally responsible for an act or
omission, unless it is proved that at the time of the act or making the omission he had
capacity to know that he ought not to do the act or make the omission (section 14(2)).
This is a rebuttable presumption of law. The reader of Charles Dickens Oliver Twist can
judge for himself whether the presumption was rebuttable in the case of the" Artful
A male person under the age of twelve years is presumed to be incapable of having carnal knowledge (section 14(3)).
There are special statutory provisions as to the punishment of infants and young persons.
If a person under the age of eighteen years is in need of protection or discipline
(this can be for a variety of reasons), a Juvenile Court has power, inter alia, to commit
the child for a period not exceeding three years to the custody of a Children's Officer. The
latter is employed by a local authority. This is an alternative to placing a child in the
custody of a guardian.
The Children Act  makes provision for the protection and discipline of children, juveniles and young persons. For example, it regulates the proceedings in Juvenile Courts, approved schools for children, remand homes and the duties of certain local authorities which perform certain functions under the Act.


Every person is presumed to be of sound mind, and to have been of sound mind at any
time which comes in question until the contrary is proved (Penal Code, section 11); this is
a rebuttable presumption of law.
A person is not criminally responsible for an act or omission if at the time of
doing the act or making the omission he is through any disease affecting his mind
incapable of understanding what he is doing, or of knowing that he ought not to do the act
or make the omission; but a person may be criminally responsible for an act or omission,
although his mind is affected by disease, if such disease does not in fact produce upon his
mind one or other of the effects above mentioned in reference to that act or omission
(section 12). If the accused is incapable of understanding what he was doing, or incapable
of knowing that what he was doing was wrong, he will not be held responsible for his
criminal acts. In Tadeo Oyee s/o Duru v. R., (1959) E.A. 407, the Court of Appeal for
Eastern Africa held that a high-grade mental deficiency may be a "disease affecting the
mind". Although the decision was based on section 12 of the Uganda Penal Code, it is
identical with the terms of section 12 of the Kenya Penal Code.
If the accused kills his wife and is not aware of the nature of his act by reason of
insanity, then he is not criminally responsible. Secondly, if he killed his wife in the belief
that he was the public hangman, although he knew what he was doing, he would not
know it was wrong, and, therefore, would not be criminally responsible.
If the accused is found guilty, but insanity is proved, the verdict is "guilty, but insane".
The convicted person is then detained until the President’s pleasure be known.
Intoxication does not constitute a defence to any criminal charge (Penal Code, section
13(1)), unless the state of intoxication was such that "he did not know that such act or
omission was wrong or did not know what he was doing ..... " If the intoxication is such
as to amount to temporary insanity, or if it would negate mens rea, the accused is not
guilty of any crime.
Intoxication can be caused by alcohol or drugs.

A mistake as to the law is usually no defence.
Where there is a mistake of fact, it depends on whether or not he would have been
liable if the facts had been as he thought them to be. For example, if X shoots Y believing
that Y is Z, X, although he has made a mistake of fact will still be guilty of the murder of
Y. Conversely, if a man dreaming that he was struggling with a wild beast killed his
baby, he would not be guilty of murder. Assuming that the facts were true, they would
not have amounted to a crime. They might otherwise suggest insanity.

A person is not criminally responsible for an offence if it is committed by two or more
offenders, and if the act is done or omitted only because during the whole of the time in
which it is being done or omitted the person is compelled to do or omit to do the act by
threats on the part of the other offender or offenders instantly to kill him or do him
grievous bodily harm if he refuses; but threats of future injury do not excuse any offence,
nor do any threats excuse the causing of, or the attempt to cause, death (Penal Code,
section 16). For example, if X is compelled to commit a crime at the point of a gun
directed at him by Y, X has a good defence. In contrast, in Regina v. Howe (The Times 15
of 20th February, 1987), the House of Lords decided that the defence of duress was not
available to a person charged with murder, whether as a principal in the first degree (the
actual killer) or as a principal in the second degree (an aider and abettor). Their Lordships
departed from their previous decision in D.P.P. for Northern Ireland v. Lynch, (1975)

A.C. 653, that duress was available to an aider and abettor to a murder.
A married woman (whether or not of a monogamous marriage or under customary
law) has a defence of compulsion if she commits a crime in the presence of and under the
coercion of the husband (Penal Code, section 19). The defence does not apply to the
crimes of treason or murder.
There is little authority on this defence. The leading English case is R. v. Dudley and
Stephens (1884), 14 Q.B.D. 273, where two shipwrecked seamen on a raft were so weak
from hunger that they killed and ate a cabin boy who was with them. They were found
guilty of murder, but the death sentence was later commuted to one of six months' imprisonment.
If, for instance, a man on a mountain rope cuts the rope beneath him so as to save
his own life and sends other climbers to their death, he is guilty of murder. Similarly, if
one man pushes another off a plank adrift on the ocean, so as to save his own life, he is guilty of murder.
The defence of necessity has more relevance to the law of tort than to criminal law.


Section 17 of the Penal Code provides that,
" ... criminal responsibility for the use of force in the defence of person or
property shall be determined according to the principles of English Common Law."
Section 241 further provides that,
"Any person authorised by law or by the consent of the person injured by him to use force is criminally responsible for any excess according to the nature and quality of the act which constitutes the excess. "
A person in defending himself or his property can use such force as is reasonably
necessary, but the means of defence must be compatible with the means or degree of
force being used against him. Excessive force can be dangerous. If a person is disturbed
at night by intruders, pursues one of them and kills him with a bill-hook, he has
committed murder (Yusufu s/o Lesso v. R. 19 E.A.C.A. 249).
Excessive force in effecting an arrest is not justifiable (Criminal Procedure Code,
section 21(3)). In M'Ibui v. Dyer, (1967) E.A. 315, where the defendant had shot the
plaintiff, reasonably believing that he was a stock thief, Farrell J. held, inter alia. That,
" ... by firing in the direction of the plaintiff the defendant took a substantial risk
of hitting him, as in fact happened. and that it was neither necessary for the purpose of effecting the plaintiff's arrest. .. nor was it reasonable in the circumstances to use a degree of force which could or might probably result in the infliction on the plaintiff of gunshot wounds."
A corporation cannot be convicted of any crimes involving physical violence, but it can
be convicted of crimes committed by any of its agents acting in the course of their
employment. Certainly, in cases of strict liability the lack of knowledge of the
corporation is irrelevant. The acts and state of mind of the corporation's agents and servants are attributed to the corporation itself.
An unincorporated association cannot be prosecuted for any crime as there is no
procedure for bringing it before the court (Obiro Stephen v. R., (1962) E.A. 61).

Autrefois Acquit
A person who has been once tried by a court of competent jurisdiction for an offence and
convicted or acquitted of such offence shall, while such conviction or acquittal has not
been reversed or set aside, not be liable to be tried again on the same facts for the same
offence (Criminal Procedure Code, section 138). In EI Mann v. Republic, (1970) E.A. 24,
this particular defence failed.


There are degrees of participation in the commission of offences.
A principal offender is deemed to have taken part in committing the offence and
to be guilty of the offence and may be charged with actually committing it. The following
are principal offenders:
(a) every person who actually does the act or makes the omission which constitutes
the offence;
(b) every person who does or omits to do any act for the purpose of enabling or
aiding another person to commit the offence;
(c) every person who aids or abets another person in committing the offence;
(d) any person who counsels or procures any other person to commit the offence.
Examples of the above an: as follows:
(a) the person who actually commits the crime;
(b) where X lends his car to Y to enable Y to rob a bank (X knows why Y wants his car);
(c) the same example as in (b) would suffice. If in (b) X had driven the car used in the
bank raid, he would be aiding and abetting.
(d) if Z had to persuade Y to rob a bank.
In example (d) Z may be charged either with committing the offence or with
counseling or procuring its commission, but even if charged with the latter offence, he is
liable to the same punishment as if he himself had committed the act or made the omission.
When two or more persons form a common intention to prosecute an unlawful
purpose in conjunction with one another, and in the prosecution of such purpose an
offence is committed of such a nature that its commission was a probable consequence of
the prosecution of such purpose, each of them is deemed to have committed the offence
(Penal Code, section 21). A simple example of this would be a premeditated crime,
although the common intention could arise in the course of taking steps to commit a crime. If four persons agree to kill a night watchman and one alone actually commits the act of murder, all four persons are equally guilty of murder.
Accessories After the Fact
A person who receives or assists another who is, to his knowledge, guilty of an offence,
in order to enable him to escape punishment is said to become an accessory after the fact
to the offence (Penal Code, section 396(1)).
Any person who becomes an accessory after the fact to a felony is guilty of a
felony and is liable, if no other punishment is provided, to imprisonment for three years
(section 397).
Any person who becomes an accessory after the fact to a misdemeanour is guilty
of a misdemeanour (section 398). A common example of an accessory after the fact is a
person who shelters or harbours a person who he knows has committed an offence.
A wife (whether or not of a monogamous marriage or under Customary law) is
not an accessory after the fact to an offence of which her husband is guilty by receiving
or assisting him in order to enable him to escape punishment; or by receiving or assisting
in her husband's presence and by his authority another person who is guilty of an offence
in the commission of which her husband has taken part, in order to enable that other
person to escape punishment; nor does a husband become an accessory after the fact to an
offence of which his wife is guilty by receiving or assisting her in order to enable her to
escape punishment (section 396(2)).

Compounding Felonies
Under section I 18 of the Penal Code, any person, having knowledge that a felony has
been committed, who for reward agrees to conceal a felony, or abstain from, discontinue
or delay a prosecution for a felony, or withhold any evidence thereof, is guilty of a
misdemeanour. The misdemeanour is that of compounding a felony. It is not a criminal
offence to compound a misdemeanour.

Attempts to Commit Crimes
An attempt is defined in section 388(1) of the Penal Code as,
"When a person, intending to commit an offence, begins to put his intention into
execution by means adapted to its fulfillment and manifests his intention by some
overt act, but does not fulfill his intention to such an extent as to commit the
offence he is deemed to attempt to commit the offence."
It is immaterial, except as regards punishment, whether the offender has done what he has
to do towards the commission of the offence, or whether he is prevented from fulfillment
of his intention, or voluntarily refrains, or even if he attempts to commit a crime which is
impossible, e.g. shooting to kill a person who is out of range of the gun (attempted
murder); trying to force open a window with a jemmy which is not strong enough
(attempted housebreaking).
An attempt to commit a felony or misdemeanour is, unless otherwise stated, a misdemeanour.
The essential elements of an "attempt" are the intention to commit the offence and
secondly, to have done the act which constitutes the actus reus of a criminal attempt.
There must be some step towards the commission of a specific crime; intention in itself is
not sufficient. In R. v. Robinson, (1915) 2 K.B. 342, a jeweller, who had insured his stock
18 against theft and burglary, pretended that his shop had been burgled, tied himself up and
caused the police to be summoned. His intention was to make a claim against his
insurance company. He was charged with an attempt to obtain money by false pretences.
His conviction was quashed on appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal (U.K.). As Lord
Reading, C.J. said,
"The truth is that this was preparation of evidence for the commission of the crime, and

not a step taken with a view to the commission of the crime."
It would have been different if the accused had in fact made a claim on the insurance
company. In contrast with Robinson's case is R. v. Button, (1900) 2 Q.B. 597. The
accused, who was a good runner, gave the name of a very moderate runner, Sims, in
entering for two handicap races. He was given long starts and as a result won both races.
He was charged with attempting to obtain goods by false pretences. The questions to be
decided were, namely, whether the intention of the accused, when he entered for the
races, was to obtain the prizes, and whether he made the representations with that
intention. Button's conviction for attempted false pretences was upheld on appeal to the
Court for Crown Cases Reserved. Again, it would have been different if Button had not
run in the races, or if he had, had not claimed the prize.
In Mwandikwa s/o Mutisya v. R., (1959) B.A. 18, the accused was arrested while
attempting to force open a locked car. He was convicted in the Resident Magistrate's
Court, Nairobi, of attempted theft of articles which were in a locked car. The appellant
appealed against his conviction to the Supreme Court and in dismissing the appeal, Sir
Ronald Sinclair, C.J. said,
"We are satisfied that the appellant intended to steal and that he began to put his
intention into execution by means adapted to its fulfillment and that he manifested
his intention by an overt act, namely, the attempt to force open the door of the car.
This act was immediately and not merely remotely connected with the offence
which he intended to commit."
Inciting and Soliciting
It is an offence for any person to solicit or incite or attempt to procure another to commit
an offence (Penal Code, section 391).
Neglect to Prevent a Felony
Every person who, knowing that a person designs to commit or is committing a felony,
fails to use all reasonable means to prevent the commission or completion thereof is
guilty of a misdemeanour (Penal Code, section 392).
It is now proposed to deal with the main types of crimes under the following
(a) Offences against Public Order
(b) Offences against the Person
(c) Offences against Property


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